Understanding What is Background App Refresh – A Simple Guide

Do you ever notice your smartphone slowing down or your battery draining faster than usual? It could be due to what is background app refresh, a feature that allows apps to update content even when they are not actively in use, such as refreshing your email inbox or social media feed.

In this section, we will help you understand what background app refresh is and what impact it can have on your device’s performance. By the end of this guide, you will have a clear understanding of how to control and optimize this feature to get the most out of your smartphone or tablet.

So, let’s begin by exploring what background app refresh actually means and how it works.

What is Background App Refresh?

Background App Refresh is a feature present in modern smartphones that allows apps to update content, even when they are not actively being used by the user. This feature enables apps to refresh content in the background, so that when you open them, the latest content is already available.

This feature is especially useful for apps that require frequent updates, such as email, news, and social media apps. With Background App Refresh, you can get the latest information without having to manually refresh the app each time.

Background App Refresh also allows apps to perform tasks in the background, such as downloading updates, syncing data, and running push notifications. These tasks help apps to function more efficiently, ensuring that the latest content is always available when you need it.

While Background App Refresh has many benefits, it can also have some drawbacks, particularly in terms of battery life and device performance. When too many apps are running in the background, they can consume resources, which can slow down your device and drain the battery.

It is important to understand what Background App Refresh is and how it works. This can help you optimize your device’s performance and battery life, while still enjoying the benefits of having the latest content always available.

How to Turn On Background App Refresh

How to turn on background app refresh is an easy process that can be completed on both iOS and Android devices. Here, we will provide a step-by-step guide to enable this feature on both mobile operating systems.

iOS Devices

If you are using an iPhone or iPad, follow these simple steps to turn on background app refresh:

  1. Open the “Settings” app on your device.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “General”.
  3. Select “Background App Refresh”.
  4. Toggle the switch to turn on background app refresh for all apps.
  5. Alternatively, you can selectively choose which apps you want to enable the feature for by scrolling down and toggling individual app switches.

Once enabled, your apps will be able to refresh content in the background even when you are not using them actively.

Android Devices

If you are using an Android device, follow these easy steps to turn on background app refresh:

  1. Open the “Settings” app on your device.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Apps”.
  3. Select “Advanced” from the top right corner.
  4. Tap on “App permissions”.
  5. Select “Auto-launch” and toggle the switch to turn it on.
  6. Alternatively, you can selectively choose which apps you want to allow auto-launch by scrolling down and toggling individual app switches.

Once enabled, the what does background app refresh do feature will allow your apps to update content even when they are not actively being used by the user.

It is important to note that enabling this feature for all apps may drain your device’s battery life faster. Therefore, it is recommended to selectively enable background app refresh for specific apps to optimize performance and battery life.

Removing Background Apps

If you are concerned about your device’s performance and battery life, you may want to consider removing or disabling some background apps. By minimizing the number of active background apps, you can reduce the amount of device resources that are being consumed, leading to improved performance and longer battery life. In this section, we will explore methods to remove or disable unnecessary background apps on your device.

Identify and Remove Unnecessary Apps

The first step in removing background apps is identifying apps that are consuming unnecessary resources. To do this, you can navigate to your device’s settings menu and select the “Battery” or “Battery Usage” option. Here, you will be able to view a breakdown of the apps that are consuming the most battery life. Look for apps that you do not use frequently or do not need running in the background, and uninstall them to free up resources and improve performance.

Disable Background App Refresh for Specific Apps

Another way to control background apps is by disabling the background app refresh feature for specific apps. This allows you to have more control over which apps are allowed to run in the background and update content. To do this, navigate to your device’s settings menu and select “General” or “Apps.” From there, select the app you want to modify and toggle off the “Background App Refresh” option.

Use a Third-Party App

If you find it difficult to identify unnecessary apps or want a more automated solution, consider using a third-party app to manage background apps. There are several apps available on both iOS and Android that can help you identify and remove unnecessary apps, as well as control which apps are allowed to run in the background.


What is background app refresh?

Background app refresh is a feature on mobile devices that allows apps to update their content in the background, even when they are not actively being used by the user. This ensures that when you open the app, it already has the latest information available.

What does backgrounds app refresh do?

Backgrounds app refresh enables apps to fetch new data, update content, and perform tasks in the background. This allows you to receive real-time updates, notifications, and have an up-to-date experience with your apps without having to manually open them every time.

How do I turn on backgrounds app refresh?

To turn on backgrounds app refresh, follow these steps: 1. On iOS devices: Go to Settings > General > Backgrounds App Refresh, then toggle it on. 2. On Android devices: Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Advanced > Special app access > Battery optimization > All apps, then find the app you want to enable and choose “Allow backgrounds activity”.

How can I selectively allow backgrounds app refresh for specific apps?

To selectively allow backgrounds app refresh for specific apps, follow these instructions: 1. On iOS devices: Go to Settings > General > Backgrounds App Refresh, then toggle it on. Scroll down to find the app you want to allow and toggle it on. 2. On Android devices: Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Advanced > Special app access > Battery optimization > All apps, then find the app you want to allow and choose “Allow background activity”.

Can backgrounds app refresh affect device performance and battery life?

Yes, backgrounds app refresh can have an impact on device performance and battery life. Apps running in the background use system resources, including processing power and network data. Having too many apps refresh in the background can potentially slow down your device and drain your battery faster. It is recommended to selectively enable backgrounds app refresh for apps that you frequently use and need real-time updates from.

How can I remove or disable background apps?

To remove or disable background apps, use these guidelines: 1. On iOS devices: Double-click the Home button to enter the app switcher, then swipe up on the app preview to close it. 2. On Android devices: Go to the app switcher or recent apps menu, then swipe left or right or tap on the “X” or close button to remove the app from the background.

Why should I remove background apps?

Remove background app can help improve device performance and optimize battery life. By reducing the number of active background apps, you can free up system resources for apps that you actively use, resulting in smoother performance and potentially longer battery life.

How can I identify apps that are consuming unnecessary resources in the background?

To identify apps that are consuming unnecessary resources in the background, you can use the battery usage or power management settings on your device. These settings typically provide insights into which apps are using the most battery or resources in the background, allowing you to make informed decisions about disabling or removing them.

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